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The website (hereinafter "the site") is published by TenCate AquaVia S.A.S., a simplified joint stock company (SAS) with capital of €2,000,000, whose registered office is at 9, rue Marcel Paul - 95870 Bezons - France, registered with the RCS Pontoise under SIRET 879 308 864 000 13 (SIREN 879 308 864).

VAT identification no. FR 618 793 088 64
NAF / APE 1395Z

Mr Jean-Pascal Mermet is the legal representative and corporate officer of TenCate AquaVia


TenCate AquaVia belongs to Solmax Group Inc.. More details on 

InDi'Green® is a registered trademark of TenCate AquaVia SAS.

TenCate is a trademark of Royal Ten Cate.



Any listed data or claims represent typical values; results from multiple tests unless otherwise stated. TenCate AquaVia S.A.S. assumes no liability whatsoever for the accuracy or completeness of the information contained herein. Users of any substance must satisfy themselves by an independent investigation that the material can be used safely. TenCate AquaVia S.A.S. describes only certain hazards but cannot guarantee these are the only hazards.

The information provided in this website contains the technical information known to date. The evolution of techniques requires regular updates. TenCate AquaVia cannot be held liable for the information contained in this brochure or provide any guarantee whatsoever. The demonstrations of handling of equipment or technical assistance illustrated in this booklet are not contractual and are given for information purposes only. TenCate AquaVia cannot be held responsible for them. TenCate AquaVia cannot be held liable for any damage resulting from improper handling. Any rental of equipment or technical assistance must be the subject of a separate written service contract. 

This website contains proprietary information of TenCate AquaVia S.A.S including but not limited to trademarks, trade names, and graphic material, as protected by law. Any reproduction, distribution, or sales in any form of the content of this brochure without the express written approval of TenCate AquaVia S.A.S is strictly prohibited. All information published in this website is selected with the utmost care, however, no rights whatsoever can be derived from this website and/or its content and TenCate AquaVia S.A.S accepts no liability for it. InDi'Green® and all related characters, logos and trade names are claimed and/or registered trademarks and/or trade logos of TenCate AquaVia S.A.S. Use of trademarks, trade names and other IP rights of TenCate AquaVia S.A.S without express written approval of TenCate AquaVia S.A.S is strictly prohibited.

Content within is subject to change at the sole discretion of TenCate AquaVia S.A.S.

Any images or color photography or swatch illustrations appear only as representative and are not intended for color shade matching or the exact size or shape of a weave or knit.

Copyright © 2023 TenCate AquaVia S.A.S.