
Dedicated to stormwater treatment for permeable parking lots


Dedicated to stormwater treatment for open/ underground infiltration structures


Clean water infiltration

By dewatering soils, rainwater returns to its natural cycle.

But when it comes into contact with surfaces, rainwater is laden with pollutants. To limit the impact of human activities on the environment, this polluted water must be treated before it reaches the subsoil and the water table.

The challenge is to clean up this water and minimize its environmental impact.

GeoClean® oil-biodegrading aquatextile

GeoClean® GeoClean® is dedicated to the depollution of stormwater in decentralized infiltration structures.

Installed in the infiltration structure, it optimizes and systematizes the long-term fixation and biodegradation of hydrocarbons and PAHs.

GeoClean® is dedicated to open-cast and buried infiltration structures
  • Open infiltration basin
  • Infiltration ditch
  • Reservoir pavement
  • Infiltration trench
  • Underground infiltration basin
  • Infiltration well
  • Parking or refueling platform for site machinery
  • Containment and in situ reclamation of polluted soil.
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Pollution focus

Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs)

Where do they come from?
  • They come from the incomplete combustion of organic materials, such as fuels (used oil leaks, engine exhaust fumes). 
  • They belong to the family of persistent organic pollutants (POPs).

Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons are harmful micropollutants
  • They attach themselves to organic matter, suspended solids or river sediments.
  • These organic pollutants are particularly toxic and persistent: they remain in the ecosystem.
  • Their complex atomic structure makes them difficult for soil microorganisms to biodegrade.
  • Noxious to the environment, they are also toxic to health: they accumulate in living tissue due to their high fat solubility (bioaccumulation).


Water pollution by PAHs
  • They account for 2/3 of the micropollutants quantified in rivers (OFB, 2020).
  • 6 of the 10 found in runoff are already classified as carcinogens by the WHO-CIRC.
  • They are the main cause of river downgrading ( French Water Agency).
A solution

Using biomimicry to protect soil

Soil does not systematically ensure sufficient fixation and biodegradation of pollution flows

The capacity of soils to decontaminate is limited and depends on certain physico-chemical and environmental conditions (granulometry, pH, thickness, porosity, permeability, organic matter content, etc.) which vary from one geographical area to another.

Aquatextiles provide the optimum conditions for the natural, long-term treatment of diffuse hydrocarbon pollution, as well as more serious pollution caused by road accidents and illegal dumping.

Our aquatextiles are inspired by living organisms and optimize the natural phenomenon of biodegradation. That's why we call them bio-inspired solutions. This is because, once installed, the depolluting textile improves hydrocarbon fixation and, unlike soil, does so irreversibly (hydrocarbons are not released). What's more, thanks to the systematic and continuous supply of a natural active substance essential to microorganisms, aquatextile provides an optimal biotope for accelerating and amplifying biodegradation. Clean water infiltrates and protects the quality of aquifers and soil biodiversity.

Schéma biodégradation InDiGreen EN

How does biodegradation work?

5 conditions are essential for effective biodegradation.

InDi'Green offers all these conditions

It systematizes and optimizes the process of biodegradation of hydrocarbons and PAHs over the long term, right from the installation phase, thereby preserving water and soil quality.


Aquatextile for permeable surfaces

A technical textile designed to treat polluted stormwater

A depolluting aquatextile is a technical textile dedicated to the treatment of pollutants carried by rainwater (runoff).

InDi'Green provides natural, maintenance-free treatment of rainwater contaminated by hydrocarbons and PAHs. Thanks to its unique structure, it captures and immobilizes hydrocarbons while releasing a natural active substance that increases and improves the soil's self-purifying capacity.

A depolluting textile to complement stormwater infiltration systems

An aquatextile is a complementary solution to on-site stormwater infiltration structures, and can complement or replace an oil separator on a project. Infiltration structures allow water to infiltrate into the ground, while aquatextiles allow this water to infiltrate depolluted, thus avoiding soil and aquifer pollution.

InDi’Green treats 100%
of runoff water

Watch this video to see how our InDi'Green aquatextile de-pollutes rainwater during infiltration.

De-polluting aquatextiles offer the most effective solution for removing hydrocarbons from water as soon as they infiltrate, while naturally biodegrading them with the help of natural microbiota.

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InDiGreen - Place de stationnement Parking Ste Decherf -  Briare 45 1
InDiGreen - Place de stationnement Parking Ste Decherf -  Briare 45 2
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Designed for direct infiltration

The ideal solution for waterproofing projects

An innovation from TenCate AquaVia, on the market since December 2022, InDi'Green is designed to naturally clean stormwater of hydrocarbons (including PAHs) as it infiltrates into the ground, by being sized for permeable mineral or vegetated pavements.

It is therefore designed to treat stormwater by Direct Infiltration: hence its prefix: "InDi".

Its applications are specific to parking lots and parking spaces, urban roadways, logistics platforms and driveways. This differentiates it from the GeoClean® range of aquatextiles, which are designed to handle heavier pollutant loads from larger infrastructures, requiring specific sizing.


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